Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs as Pets: Key Facts You Need to Know

Looking for a unique and social pet? Black-tailed prairie dogs might be just the critters you’re looking for! These adorable rodents are known for their complex social structures, charming behaviors, and expressive faces. However, owning a pet prairie dog comes with its own set of challenges, so it’s essential to be well-informed before bringing one home. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of black-tailed prairie dog care, so you can decide if they’re the right pet for you. Let’s get started!

Overview of Black-tailed Prairie Dogs

Characteristic Detail
Size 14-17 inches long
Weight 1-3 pounds
Lifespan 5-8 years
Temperament Social, active, and vocal

How Are Black-tailed Prairie Dogs as Pets?

Pros and Cons of Pet Black-tailed Prairie Dogs

  • Pros: Highly social, intelligent, and entertaining to watch.
  • Cons: Require specialized care, can be territorial, and may be illegal to own in some areas.

How Much Do Black-tailed Prairie Dogs Cost?

Black-tailed prairie dog prices can vary, but they typically cost between $150 and $350. Remember to consider additional expenses like a spacious habitat, a proper diet, and regular vet visits.

Quick Facts About Black-tailed Prairie Dogs

Black-tailed Prairie Dog Lifespan: How Long Do Black-tailed Prairie Dogs Live as Pets?

With proper care, black-tailed prairie dogs can live between 5-8 years in captivity.

Looks and Appearances

Black-tailed prairie dogs have a stocky, cylindrical body, short legs, and a black-tipped tail. Their fur is light brown to reddish-brown, and their faces have expressive eyes and whiskers.

Color Varieties

Black-tailed prairie dogs have limited color variation, with most individuals displaying a light brown to reddish-brown coat.


Adult black-tailed prairie dogs typically measure between 14-17 inches long and weigh 1-3 pounds.

Black-tailed Prairie Dog Temperament and Personality

Black-tailed prairie dogs are social, active, and vocal animals. They live in close-knit groups and communicate using various sounds and body language. They are intelligent and curious, making them fun to watch and interact with.

Caring For Black-tailed Prairie Dogs

Are Black-tailed Prairie Dogs Easy to Care For?

Black-tailed prairie dogs require specialized care, including a proper diet, a spacious and enriching habitat, and access to experienced veterinary care. They are not suitable pets for novices or those without the resources to meet their unique needs.


Black-tailed prairie dogs need a large and secure enclosure with ample space for burrowing and tunneling. The habitat should include hiding spots, digging areas, and climbing opportunities to replicate their natural environment.

Indoor or Outdoors?

Black-tailed prairie dogs can be housed both indoors and outdoors, but it’s crucial to provide them with a safe, secure, and temperature-controlled environment.

Primary Diet For Black-tailed Prairie Dogs

Black-tailed prairie dogs require a diet that consists primarily of grasses, hay, and a limited amount of vegetables. Commercial prairie dog pellets can be fed as a supplement, but should not make up the majority of their diet.

Black-tailed Prairie Dog Treats

Treats can include small amounts of fruits and vegetables, but should be given sparingly to avoid health issues such as obesity and dental problems.


Black-tailed prairie dogs are active animals that require plenty of physical and mental stimulation. Provide them with a variety of toys and opportunities to burrow, climb, and explore within their habitat.

Common Health Issues

Black-tailed prairie dogs can be prone to respiratory infections, dental problems, and obesity. Regular vet checkups and proper care can help prevent and manage these issues.

Can Black-tailed Prairie Dogs Live With Other Animals?

Black-tailed prairie dogs are social animals and generally do best when housed with other prairie dogs. Introducing them to other species can be challenging and should be approached with caution. It’s essential to monitor interactions and provide separate living spaces if necessary.

Black-tailed Prairie Dog Breeding Considerations

Breeding black-tailed prairie dogs should only be attempted by experienced and responsible pet owners. It’s crucial to ensure that both parents are healthy and genetically diverse, and that you have the resources to care for the offspring.

FAQ for Black-tailed Prairie Dogs as Pets

Are black-tailed prairie dogs legal to own as pets?
Laws regarding pet prairie dogs vary depending on your location. Be sure to check local regulations before obtaining a black-tailed prairie dog as a pet.
Do black-tailed prairie dogs bite?
Like any animal, black-tailed prairie dogs may bite if they feel threatened or scared. Proper socialization and handling can minimize the risk of bites.
Can I potty train my black-tailed prairie dog?
Prairie dogs may be trained to use a specific area of their enclosure for elimination, but they are not as easily potty trained as some other pets.
Do black-tailed prairie dogs require vaccinations?
There are no specific vaccinations required for prairie dogs, but it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian experienced in their care to ensure they receive appropriate preventative health care.

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