Rock Squirrels as Pets: Key Facts You Need to Know

When you think of squirrels, “pet” might not be the first word that comes to mind. However, rock squirrels are fascinating creatures that can make for unique and entertaining companions. Before you leap into squirrel parenthood, it’s crucial to understand the ins and outs of rock squirrel care. This article will provide all the essential information you need to decide if a rock squirrel is the perfect pet for you. So let’s dive right in!

Overview of Rock Squirrels

Characteristic Detail
Size 17-20 inches long
Weight 1-2.5 pounds
Lifespan 6-8 years
Temperament Active, curious, and cautious

How Are Rock Squirrels as Pets?

Pros and Cons of Pet Rock Squirrels

  • Pros: Fascinating to observe, intelligent, and acrobatic.
  • Cons: Not naturally domesticated, require specialized care, and can be challenging to socialize.

How Much Do Rock Squirrels Cost?

Rock squirrels are not commonly found in the pet trade, so prices may vary. If you find one for sale, expect to pay between $150 and $300. Keep in mind the cost of a suitable habitat, a proper diet, and regular vet care when considering this unique pet.

Quick Facts About Rock Squirrels

Rock Squirrel Lifespan: How Long Do Rock Squirrels Live as Pets?

With attentive care, rock squirrels can live between 6-8 years in captivity.

Looks and Appearances

Rock squirrels have a sturdy, elongated body with a bushy tail, large eyes, and sharp claws. Their fur is grayish-brown with a white underbelly and speckled white markings on their back.

Color Varieties

Rock squirrels typically have grayish-brown fur with white speckles, but color variations can occur, including lighter or darker shades of brown.


Adult rock squirrels measure between 17-20 inches long, including their tail, and weigh between 1-2.5 pounds.

Rock Squirrel Temperament and Personality

Rock squirrels are active, curious, and cautious animals. They are intelligent and enjoy exploring their environment, but they can be skittish and may not readily bond with their human caretakers.

Caring For Rock Squirrels

Are Rock Squirrels Easy to Care For?

Rock squirrels require specialized care, including a proper diet, a secure and enriching habitat, and access to experienced veterinary care. They are not suitable pets for beginners or those without the resources to meet their unique needs.


Rock squirrels need a large and secure enclosure with plenty of climbing opportunities, hiding spots, and nesting areas. Provide them with branches, platforms, and other materials to encourage their natural climbing behavior.

Indoor or Outdoors?

Rock squirrels can be housed both indoors and outdoors, as long as they are provided with a safe, secure, and temperature-controlled environment.

Primary Diet For Rock Squirrels

Rock squirrels require a diet consisting primarily of nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and occasional insects. Commercial squirrel pellets can also be fed as a supplement, but should not make up the majority of their diet.

Rock Squirrel Treats

Treats can include small amounts of fruits, nuts, and seeds, but should be given sparingly to avoid health issues such as obesity and dental problems.


Rock squirrels are active animals that need plenty of physical and mental stimulation. Provide them with a variety of toys and opportunities to climb, explore,and forage in their enclosure to keep them healthy and happy.

Common Health Issues

Some common health issues for rock squirrels include dental problems, obesity, parasites, and respiratory infections. Regular veterinary check-ups and a proper diet can help prevent these issues.

Can Rock Squirrels Live With Other Animals?

Rock squirrels are best housed with other rock squirrels, but they should be introduced slowly and carefully to ensure compatibility. They may not be suitable companions for other types of animals, as they can be territorial and may not tolerate other species in their living space.

Rock Squirrel Breeding Considerations

Breeding rock squirrels can be challenging and is not recommended for casual pet owners. It requires a deep understanding of their behavior and needs, as well as access to specialized veterinary care for both the parents and offspring.

FAQ for Rock Squirrels as Pets

Are rock squirrels legal to keep as pets?
Legalities vary depending on local and regional regulations. Always check with your local authorities before acquiring a rock squirrel as a pet.
Can rock squirrels be litter trained?
While some rock squirrels can be trained to use a litter box, it may take time and patience to achieve this level of cleanliness.
Do rock squirrels bite?
Rock squirrels can bite if they feel threatened, so it’s essential to handle them gently and take time to build trust with your pet.
Can I release a pet rock squirrel into the wild?
Releasing a pet rock squirrel into the wild is not recommended, as they may not have the skills to survive and can potentially introduce diseases to wild populations.

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